Cardinal Directions
Best Cardinal Directions Video Interesting Hands-on Activity Idea for Teachers and Parents)
— Activity Starter Video —
Learn about cardinal directions and complete an interesting hands-on activity. This video is part of Activity Starters, an animated series. In each episode, an animated character introduces a concept and an activity.
Complete the Following:
- Draw a compass rose, including the symbol and name for each cardinal direction.
- Complete the activity introduced in the video.
- Draw your school or house in the middle of a large piece of paper.
- Then, draw a compass rose in the right-hand corner.
- Next, draw the symbols for north, south, west, and east on the edges of the paper.
- Take a photo of something north, south, west, and east of the school/house. Print small pictures and glue them on the map. (If a camera, phone, and printer are unavailable, the items could be drawn.)
- Finish the map by drawing roads and other memorable places around town.
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