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FCC Applications | SDPB

FCC Applications

89.1 MHz, Mitchell, South Dakota

On November 8, 2021, South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications, applicant for a new noncommercial FM station on 89.1 MHz, Mitchell, South Dakota, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for a construction permit for the new station.  Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit .


K04GW-D(FX), Spearfish, South Dakota

On November 29, 2020, South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications, licensee of K04GW-D, Channel 4, Spearfish, South Dakota, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its broadcast license. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit .

K08PM-D(FX), Wagner, South Dakota

On November 29, 2020, South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications, licensee of K08PM-D, Channel 8, Wagner, South Dakota, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its broadcast license. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit 

K15IZ-D(FX), Edgemont, South Dakota

On November 29, 2020, South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications, licensee of K15IZ-D, Channel 15, Edgemont, South Dakota, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its broadcast license. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit 

K19CG-D(FX), Belle Fourche, South Dakota

On November 29, 2020, South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications, licensee of K19CG-D, Channel 19, Belle Fourche, South Dakota, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its broadcast license. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit 

K39LT-D(FX), Pringle, South Dakota

On November 29, 2020, South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications, licensee of K39LT-D, Channel 36, Pringle, South Dakota, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its broadcast license. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit 

K10PS-D(FX), Pine Ridge, South Dakota

On November 29, 2020, South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications, licensee of K10PS-D, Channel 10, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its broadcast license. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit 

SDPB is required to place certain documents on this landing page relating to FCC applications. Page updated 29 November 2021.