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DIY Snow Globe

Snow Globe

If you are going to have multiple children running around your house today, keep them entertained with this fun winter craft!


  • glass jar and lid
  • water
  • glycerin
  • hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • small plastic toy
  • glitter
  • sequins
  • spoon


1. Glue a small plastic toy (or two) to the underside of your jar lid. You can glue tiny dinosaurs or figures. We used some plastic toy trees.

2. Fill your jar about 95% full with cold water.

3. Sprinkle generous amounts of glitter and add sequins to the water then stir with a spoon.

4. Add a few drops of glycerin to the water and stir once again.

5. Screw the lid of the jar (toys glued to the underside) back onto the jar which is filled with water, glitter, sequins and glycerin.

Wipe the exterior of the jar clean with a cloth and shake your globe! Enjoy the snowy scenery and decorate your house with the snow globes or make a bunch and hand them out to friends, family and teachers!

For more fun crafts and recipes, click the link below!