Huron is enforcing a city-wide emergency ordinance. Outside of essential businesses and carry-out services, buildings are closed. The decision was made Sunday to have the emergency ordinance go into effect at midnight Monday morning.
Huron Public Information Officer Mark Johnson says both Huron and Beadle County commissions met Sunday afternoon.
He says notification was received from the Department of Health and Governor Kristi Noem’s office on Sunday that Beadle County had six new confirmed cases of COVID-19. From there, both county and city officials have responded in an attempt to slow the overall spread of the virus in the area.
Public places that offer food and beverages for off-site consumption, including grocery stores, markets, convenience stores, pharmacies, drug stores, or other types of emergency facilities will remain open.
As of Monday afternoon, Beadle County has a total of twelve confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Huron Takes Emergency Action Against COVID-19

City of Huron