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Stories from the Skies

Stories from the Sky

Stories From the Skies This segment examines the state's history through stories from the skies. It looks at Native American beliefs about the sky, how weather, such as blizzards and tornadoes, affected settlements, and important people, such as George McGovern, Governor Joe Foss, and Clyde Ice, who were pilots and heroes. From blizzards to sandstorms, the sky has always played an essential role in shaping our state. It has affected artists and writers, Lakota Medicine Men, and common settlers, resulting in many stories from the sky.

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Additional videos, activities, and more below.

YouTube Playlist with a variety episode related topics including Castlewood residents sifting through damage from a devastating tornado.
Laura and Almanzo almost certainly saw the tornado near Howard, roughly 10 miles from their buggy ride path. (National Weather Service)
Average annual extreme minimum winter temperature, 10-degree F zones and 5-degree F half zones displayed.
There are some winter storms that people never forget such as these blizzards.
Early snow removal on city streets meant an investment in man and horsepower.
32.2 inches of snow dropped in 2 days - the biggest snow event in Sioux Falls weather history. 
"If you don't like the weather in South Dakota, just wait around a few minutes, and it will change".

During this activity, your students will learn about the Stratobowl in the Black Hills and participate in a hands-on qualitative wind speed study using everyday household items.

Temperature, Droughts, and Floods:

It destroyed almost everything between present day Empire Mall and a spot north of Shindler on SD Highway 11.
The 50th anniversary of the Black Hills Flood of 1972.
Spearfish has been an important air transit hub in South Dakota since the earliest days of commercial aviation.

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(E&O Staff)

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