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Robert Drew

Robert Drew, 2007

Branch of Service: United States Army

Listen to the following sections by scrolling forward to the timecode.

0:00 - Sent overseas on a luxury cruise ship converted for soldiers
2:48 - Replacement depot; artillery; planes dropping bombs; mud and cold
4:30 - Issued riffle that did not shoot straight; saw horrible things; mental damage; many injured 
6:22 - Walking through woods, met a young German soldier (taken as a prisoner); SS Units "like trapped rattlesnakes"; George S. Patton
10:45 - Shot a cow at night - thought it was two enemy soldiers; crossed Rhine River 
13:54 - Developed film soldiers had found
17:28 - Flossenburg Concentration Camp - stong odor 
19:47 - Gave prisoners cigarettes but could not give them food because it could kill them, needed IV treatment; 10 people/day died of hunger 
22:42 - SS Troops would die for Fuhrer instead of surrender 
23:45 - War ended, parade for George S. Patton 

Robert S. Drew Obituary  

Independent Submission

Images Provided by Robert Drew

Robert Drew
Robert Drew



A Picture with Nazi Soldiers (pinkish tinge): Nazis attending a banquet in the
City Hall of Sulzbach-Rosenberg in Bavaria, Germany. Bob Drew says this
scene occurred in March 1944, about a year before his division reached the
town. Americans found film when they entered the town a year later, and Bob
was given the task of getting it developed. This was one of the photos recovered.









Bob wrote the message on the back when he printed the photo.

Robert Drew



Picture of town with American tanks and soldiers This is the same town,
Sulzbach-Rosenberg, a year later, on March 29, 1945, after the arrival of
Bob Drew's outfit, the 3rd Army 8th Armored Division, attached to the 90th
 Infantry Division, all under George S. Patton. Bob was in the street at that
time of this photo but the division's photographer took the picture. The sign
protruding into the scene is on a gasthaus (guest house).

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