The Oglala Lakota Tribal Council voted 16 to two to impeach Vice President Darla Black Monday. She was removed for malfeasance after accusations including bullying and harassment. Sonia Little Hawk-Weston is a representative for the tribe. She speaks during the meeting.
“You listen to that impeachment hearing around our president of the United States, what’s happening at that level. And I’ll tell you today that we don’t need that here on our reservation. When we talk about bullying, it really comes back to thinking about our children in the schools across the reservation-when they fight so hard against bullying against each other. So as council people and as the executive board, there’s no room for bullying. Not with me and it shouldn’t be that with any of us.”
The Tribe’s Attorney General is tasked with looking into accusations of financial violations by Black. Black was replaced by the runner up during the most recent election, Thomas Poor Bear.