Paul Boger
The dueling contests surrounding the Nevada Republican's nominating process has led to voter confusion. And with it, an outcome many in the state saw as inevitable: Trump is the de facto winner.
In Nevada, millions of voters have already cast their ballots by mail or early, but millions more are expected to turn out at the polls on Tuesday, too.
Nevada is emerging as a major swing state in the presidential race this fall, and Republicans think they have a chance to win there after losing it in 2016.
Major relief organizations and smaller nonprofits are on the ground in southern Louisiana, setting up operations to help the tens of thousands of flood victims.
There are huge gaps in school funding between affluent and property-poor districts. And, with evidence that money matters, especially for disadvantaged kids, something has to change.
Mississippi continues to face political and economic backlash over the state's new "religious freedom" law. But supporters say it will have little impact on the economy.
A Mississippi bill that would allow congregants to carry a concealed firearm into a place of worship is about to become law. Some congregations believe the measure will bolster security. Others worry it could bring more anxiety.
The law allows businesses, residents and government officials to refuse marriage-related services to same-sex couples if doing so would violate a "sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction."
Public schools in Mississippi have been underfunded for years. Yesterday voters said no to an initiative that sought to guarantee an "adequate and efficient system of public schools."
Truck driver and political unknown Robert Gray will be the gubernatorial candidate of Mississippi Democrats this fall. He didn't raise money, barely campaigned and didn't even vote in the primary.