On today's show...
Spencer Hupp didn't think he'd ever enter the world of beekeeping. But now he can't imagine leaving.
You can find Hupp's Honey and hear from the apiarist himself at Bashful Bison Market during Honey at the Market on June 3.
Sen. Jean Hunhoff is a Republican representing Clay and Yankton counties. She’s also the committee chair of the South Dakota Legislature’s Study Committee on Sustainable Models for Long-Term Care.
She joins the show to help listeners navigate the history and complexities behind the state's long-term care crisis. And she discusses the paths she sees to solutions.
The Oglala Lakota Artspace opened on May 20, and hip-hop artist Talon Bazille Ducheneaux has already mixed and mastered in its studio. He brings his music and stories about the importance of making spaces for Indigenous artists to In the Moment.
SDPB's Greg Beesley takes listeners on the road for a tour of South Dakota's drive-ins. He discusses his documentary "Dakota Life Detours: The Silver Screens of the Prairie."
Plus, musicians Morgan Carnes and Carrie McIntyre from the Women and Trans Musicians Network preview their upcoming Rapid City showcase. They discuss uplifting and empowering South Dakota's women and trans performers.