On today's show...
Rapid City's Greenway was created in the wake of the disastrous 1972 flood. We learn that history and hear the stories of the survivors.
Greta Chapman and Nicole Uhre-Balk from Friends of Rapid City Parks preview the inaugural Greenway Days. The events celebrate the greenspace and remember the lives lost.
Seth Tupper talks about his reporting on SDPB's "Surviving the '72 Flood" documentary. We discuss how the flood is still living, painful history for many survivors.
We talk about partisanship and polarization with our Dakota Political Junkies. They look at voter fatigue ahead of the November election.
Mato Wayuhi breaks down his song "Harvest Moon" for us. We take a deep dive into music theory, poetry and poignancy.
Plus, musician Chewy Rodriguez talks about not letting ego get in the way of the art he wants to make.