State lawmakers are being asked to send a message that South Dakota should do more to promote international trade. Earlier this session, a bill was killed that would have created an international business and trade office, within the governor’s office of economic development. Today lawmakers considered a resolution rather than a bill that encourages the state to be more aggressive with international trade.
The main sponsor of the resolution rep. Michael saba told lawmakers 70 percent of our economy if from agriculture with 40% of that in exports but when it comes to international trade – we rank 50th in the nation.
“so there is no reason we should be that low in international trade, we have a state office of trade in the goed and this resolution is urging the office to be more assertive in its work in international trade.”
Saba compared south Dakota to our neighboring states.
“North Dakota with much of the same products is 32nd in international trade, it is ahead of us, Iowa is ahead with similar products, but some say nd has oil but even if you take the oil out they would be 35th.”
Rep. Caleb Finck told lawmakers we need to focus on local efforts not international.
We have been putting up hog barns in our area and like crazy and when I say the hogs are chewing through the corn, that is what is going on. There is such a demand for corn because of the local influence in our market, that is what is driven this. Last summer we saw a positive corn basis for the first time in my life ever and that is not because of international trade, that is because of the local dollar’s.
The resolution was adopted with a 57 to 6 vote.