State lawmakers considered more than 500 bills and resolutions during the last legislative session. On last night's episode of South Dakota Focus, Lee Strubigner (SDPB politics & public policy reporter ) was joined by The AP's Stephen Groves and The Argus Leader's Joe Sneve.
This is just one segment from last night's epsiode of South Dakota Focus. Host Jackie Hendry was joined live by the following guests (Plus, catch the final installment of “Why Is That?”):
- Republican Senator Lee Schoenbeck, President Pro Tempore
- Republican Representative Spencer Gosch, Speaker of the House
- Democratic Senator Troy Heinert, Senate Minority Leader
- Democratic Representative Jamie Smith, House Minority Leader
Click here to watch the full program.
Since 1995, South Dakota Focus has provided in-depth discussions with South Dakotans about issues and events impacting the state. South Dakota Focus takes the time to see matters more clearly. SDPB's Jackie Hendry hosts this statewide news and information program, Thursdays at 8pm (7 MT) on SDPB1 and More at