The PBS NewsHour will feature special programming of Biden’s State of the Union address and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from 6 to 11 p.m. ET.
After the 6 p.m. ET broadcast, starting at 7 p.m. ET, the PBS NewsHour Digital Anchor Nicole Ellis has a series of conversations about the president’s first year and what we will hear this evening. Conversations with the PBS NewsHour’s Lisa Desjardins, William Brangham, and Laura Santhanam will explore Biden’s handling of the coronavirus, his first year in office and how Americans view this moment, and Nancy Youssef of the Wall Street Journal offers insights on Biden’s foreign policy agenda, including his handling of Russia.
At 8 p.m. ET, special broadcast coverage turns to a deeper look at how the U.S. and the world are responding to Russia and the continuing invasion of Ukraine, and questions facing Biden as he enters his second year in office.
At 9 p.m. ET, anchor and managing editor Judy Woodruff kicks off coverage of Biden’s address and the Republican response, including post-speech analysis that will conclude at 11 p.m. ET.
Portions of this special coverage were produced with the help of Houston Public Media.
To view a direct feed of President Biden’s State of the Union address, click here: