A project in Sioux Falls many years in the making is a major step closer to becoming a reality.
The 85th Street interchange project has received all necessary funding and signatures of approval to get underway. The final hurdle, a an environmental impact survey, was recently approved by regulators.
The project is a collaborative effort between the state and federal government, private business investors, and local city governments.
The interchange provides another access point to I-29 for southern Sioux Falls and Tea and offers improved access to currently undeveloped land.
The Bakker Landing Business Development in Tea has already seen increased development planning due to the announcement of the new interchange.
Joel Dykstra is the CEO of RMB Associates. He said RMB is developing 130 acres on both sides of the interchange.
“We’ve started development on the east side with an apartment project of our own and we have sold some lots off for housing development and now the rest of the lots are on the market for commercial development for things like convenience stores, offices, and whatever else comes along,” said Dykstra.
Now that funding is in place for the project the plan is to finalize the design of the interchange this year.
Michael Behm is a professional engineer with South Dakota DOT. He said the project does not strictly focus on business opportunity.
“The main purpose for the project is really to ensure that the transportation system is going to function in the future. So one of the things that has been considered and continues to be reviewed throughout the project is how is that mobility going to work into the future as properties are developed to ensure that people can get to where they need to go," said Behm. "So as we look at the mobility needs and connectivity, those are the main drivers and purpose for the project.”
Construction is planned to start in 2025 with the interchange opening to traffic in the fall of 2026 or spring of 2027.