Summit Carbon Solutions is trying to soothe concerns over a proposed CO2 pipeline in a series public input meetings.
But some are still not convinced by the company’s promises.
Hundreds gathered for the Watertown meeting Thursday evening, one of several arranged by the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission to discuss the pipeline.
The project aims to capture carbon from ethanol plants and sequester it underground in North Dakota. Summit’s first application with the PUC was denied. Part of the PUC’s reasoning was due to the proposed pipeline route conflicting with local ordinances mandating minimum set back distances.
Dave Daum is the Sr. Director of Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental for Summit. He said the company is ready to give the project a second shot with certain guarantees.
“We have also offered to present our dispersion model in every county along the route. To date, 11 counties have taken us up on that offer and we hope that the others pick us up on that offer soon. Lastly, while pipeline regulations today are the best in the world, and CO2 pipelines have the safest track record of any type of pipeline. By following the latest regulations, and going above and beyond in many areas, we believe this will be the safest pipeline ever built and operated,” said Daum.

Daum said additional guarantees include indemnity for landowners, minimum burial depth, lifetime drain tile repairs, safety plan and restoration and property ownership/use.
Despite these promises, some opponents voice concerns about safety and impacts to farmland along the pipeline’s route.
James Elijah owns land near the pipeline route. He said SCS continues to be a dishonest business partner.

“Summit claims they can build the safest CO2 pipeline ever made. Even though they’ve never built a CO2 pipeline or any other pipeline for that matter. And though they're prone to lying, we are to believe that with all of the newest and highest tech safety equipment that this Titanic isn’t going to sink. For those reasons, it is obvious to me Summit Carbon Solutions is not worthy to do business in South Dakota. And I respectfully request you once again, ‘deny since they can’t comply,'” said Elijah.
SCS local partnerships include POET, Glacial Lakes Energy, Ringneck Energy, Redfield Energy, Gevo, and more.