The Sioux Falls Board of Health is considering regulations to bring before the City Council that limit gatherings to 50 people or less in city facilities. This is a drop from last week’s limit to gatherings of 250 people or less to prevent spread of COVID-19.
Jill Franken is the Public Health Director for the City of Sioux Falls. She says this new limit recommendation is based on updated guidance from the federal Centers for Disease Control issued on Sunday.
While municipal government can’t mandate private business closures, Franken encourages voluntary commitment to social distancing measures.
“Everyone, in every venue, should be looking at how to avoid being part of crowds of people," she says. "That is a number one job of our community right now. We have a chance to impact this. The actions we take now will have long-lasting implications for weeks.”
Sioux Falls City Council members will consider the health board’s recommendation at its next meeting.
The CDC's guidelines released Sunday include avoiding gatherings of fifty or more people for the next eight weeks. Monday afternoon, the White House advised avoiding gatherings of ten or more.