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On today's update...
The three remaining members of the Mitchell Legion baseball team charged in connection to a sexual misconduct investigation have taken plea deals. The three pleaded guilty to being an accessory to a felony in Pennington County Court, according to court documents.
Flood response has been a whirlwind in areas hit hardest by the flood. Currently, local and county officials are stressing patience for residents as they work to reestablish normality.
Fire season is here and in the Black Hills, that means a hectic summer for firefighters. However, some pieces of pro equipment could make a major difference if wildfire flames get close to you.
The state Secretary of State's Office says a group opposing new pipeline regulations has filed a petition to place the issue on the November ballot. Lawmakers passed the bill this year in response to conflict over a proposed carbon sequestration pipeline.
We're in for a record-setting 4th of July travel weekend. AAA projects nearly 71 million people across the country will travel for the holiday.
And more.