This interview originally aired on "In the Moment" on SDPB Radio.
South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley says communities across the nation are struggling to recruit new law enforcement officers. South Dakota tribes face similar challenges.
In an effort to boost the number of active tribal law enforcement officers, Jackley and Governor Kristi Noem are offering a new tribal law enforcement-specific basic certification course in South Dakota.
Jackley says the location of training for tribal cops is an obstacle. Formerly, all applicants were required to spend 13 weeks in New Mexico at a federal training facility.
In spite of a tight timeline, several tribal members have declared interest in the program and are actively working with the attorney general's office on applications due May 1.
Jackley joins "In the Moment" for an update. He also details criminal charges against 11 state penitentiary inmates from disturbances in March.