Northern Hills locals know the Old Baldy in the Spearfish Canyon area, but what do you know the other Old Baldy?
Near Mount Rushmore, in the heart of the granite core, Baldy II is not as high in elevation as its up North namesake, but compensates with location, location, location.
Chauve Deux offers truly 360° views of Black Elk Peak, Elkhorn Mountain, the Needles, Little Devil's Tower, the Cathedral Spires, (the back of) Mount Rushmore and more, from a rocky summit that is a standout in its own right.

Your can start at the Wrinkled Rock Climbing Area, and follow the trail that runs east past the interpretive signage. Soon you'll see your destination to the North. There are numerous trails in the area. Several converge headed Northward through the forested canyon between Highway 244 and your destination.

At a crossroads, a makeshift trail marker (43.89409, -103.46574) points rightward toward the Southeast and the base of the summit (a little less than two miles from the parking area). Once there, you'll have to do some moderate scrambling. Most people should not attempt to do this. If you possess the (moderate) requisite skills you'll be rewarded. The summit is at 43.89078, -103.45836.
Your SDPB Outdoors Correspondent's route involved first climbing a lower twin summit, topped with the Boulders Three, a traditional rolling stone-type and two Pacman ghosts. From the Boulders Three, you can pick your route, some sketchier than others. The top is a narrow knob, where you could pivot all day. Just below there's more room to explore. There's even a semi-sheltered potential campsite with a flat grass floor.
Technically, they named two peaks Old Baldy, but they could have named this one Old Baldy twice, on account of how nice it is.