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Communications, Language & Literacy - SDPB Early Learning (1)

Recommended Educational Resources

Sesame Street in Communities: Communications Topics

Building Language Skills
Lots of rich, back-and-forth conversation with grown-ups helps kids make sense of the world and everything they’re learning about it. Language helps children express their thoughts and learn about the world around them, and helps lay the foundation for success in school.
Reading & Writing
Reading together opens doors to new and exciting worlds. Nurturing an early love of reading helps kids build vocabulary and comprehension skills, which prepare them to succeed in school…and in life!
School Readiness
As a caring, supportive adult who talks with them, asks them questions, offers comfort, and shares feelings, you’re nurturing a relationship that will help children feel safe and secure to explore and learn about everything around them. By using everyday moments for learning, you’re building their brains—and a strong foundation of early school readiness for success in school and in life.

Communications Collections from PBS LearningMedia

PBS LearningMedia Resources Aligned to South Dakota Early Learning Guidelines

Communication & Oral Language

PBS Learning Media: Speaking and Listening

Sesame Street – Song: Listening and Speaking

(*Goal CLL-1, 2 & 3)

Foundations for Reading

PBS Learning Media: Writing

(*Goal CLL-9 & 10)

For more information about SDPB's Educational Resources Contact

 Dr. Marcy Drew at 

Kevin Nelson at  

Amelia Meyer at 

Steven Rokusek at

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