SDPB K-12 Educational Staff
Science Steve

We are all students of life. That means SDPB is dedicated to us - from tiny tots to senior citizens. The SDPB Education Department enhances and expands the learning experience on TV, radio, and the web. The things that help us learn, dream, and grow.
Steven Rokusek Education Specialist 605-222-3422 [email protected]
Steven is originally from Tyndall, SD. He graduated from Dakota State University with a degree in Biology and Computer Education. He taught physics, physical science, anatomy, biology, and earth science. Steven develops resource materials for specific content areas and then provides in-service training at schools and education conferences across the state for both educational staff and parents. He also creates a weekly electronic education newsletter (register) for teachers/parents. Steven updates/maintains the content on the national PBS LearningMedia site. Steven has also been a volunteer EMT for 20+ years.
He has received many awards, including the following.
- The Golden Apple Award for Teachers
- Multiple Who's Who Among Teachers Awards
- The Archdiocese of Omaha Teacher of the Year Award
- Regional Emmy Nomination - Kid's Quest: Making Change Really Counts
- 2016 SoDakSACA SACCY Award
- 2019 South Dakota Science Teachers Association Friend of Science Award for his service to the advancement of science education in South Dakota.
- Steven was honored as the 2019 Dakota State University Distinguished Alumnus.
- 2019 Sanford Underground Research Facility CORES (Communication OutReach Experiences in Science) Award.
- Regional Emmy Nomination - Activity Starter: Native American Winter Count
Comments from Teachers:
- Your presentation was excellent. Your pacing, organization, and understanding of your audience were the best. Thank you so much. Teaching teachers is not easy. We are often the worst students!
- Steve is a great presenter! He was very knowledgeable, passionate, and easy to listen to. Great sense of humor!
- Thank you for igniting the love to teach science,
- Outlined well how to do all steps to create the wow factor for students.
- Wow, this man has energy; hands-on demonstrations, and thorough use of the new websites for our SD/Sci Units.
- Very good presentation of the Dakota Pathways website and activities that go with it. It was wonderful to have hands-on activities to see what the presenter was sharing.
- Steve was on fire for science! It was so fun to see his high energy level!
- Awesome!!! Went out with a Bang!!!
- Excellent! Very high energy. Very knowledgeable! Fun!
- I am excited to go to the website and use some of the lessons. Most fun class I have had this summer. Thank You!
- Very Interesting! Very Useful and Informative!! Excellent Teaching!!
- So much energy!
- Amazing job! Steven's personality ensures that he is the best person for the job, nobody better. Hard worker, never tires. I learned tangible things to take back to the classroom!
- I cannot wait to get into the classroom and use these things.
- It was fantastic! I had a lot of fun and learned a lot.
- THANK YOU for such an entertaining and informative session this morning. My students had SO many positive comments and were excited about science afterward (they're either scared or unsure of themselves with science activities). You were a hit! Thank you again.
- Just wanted to tell you that you killed it during the presentation today…Awesome information and presentation… Thanks a ton!
- Super Ideas! Great Energy! I'm fired up – Super Motivational!!
- Best presentation of the Conference!
- Best session I've been to! Thank you for your resources.
- Very exciting presentation, kept my interest the whole time. Liked how the audience was involved!
- Could listen and learn all day!! Thanks for the inspiration.
- Amazing. I could stay in this session the rest of the day.
- I've seen many of these presentations. It’s always fun and exciting. Great resources in the emails sent out.
- Best presentation by far, outstanding!
- Awesome!! Best presentation/presenter at TIE

Steven (AKA – Science Steve) also helps with outreach events and activities by providing an entertaining and educational science show for families. SDPB'sIt'sIt'sIt'sIt'sIt'sIt'sIt'sIt's Science Guy Steven Rokusek uses humor and fascinating demonstrations to bring dry theorems and scientific laws to life. The demonstrations are entertaining for kids and adults and include physics, chemistry, and anatomy demonstrations. (Photos: One & Two)