Dan Margolies
Dan was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. and moved to Kansas City with his family when he was eight years old. He majored in philosophy at Washington University in St. Louis and holds law and journalism degrees from Boston University. He has been an avid public radio listener for as long as he can remember – which these days isn’t very long… Dan has been a two-time finalist in The Gerald Loeb Awards for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism, and has won multiple regional awards for his legal and health care coverage. Dan doesn't have any hobbies as such, but devours one to three books a week, assiduously works The New York Times Crossword puzzle Thursdays through Sundays and, for physical exercise, tries to get in a couple of rounds of racquetball per week.
NewsSmithfield's South Dakota plant, which handles 5% of U.S. pork production, has become a coronavirus hot spot, with 783 workers testing positive for the virus so far and two of them dying.
In Kansas City, a lawsuit by the heirs of renowned painter Thomas Hart Benton alleges that a local bank has mismanaged Benton's estate.
The court said that the state's Bill of Rights "allows a woman to make her own decisions regarding her body ... decisions that can include whether to continue a pregnancy."
Management consultants have been buying up struggling rural hospitals, claiming they can turn their finances around. But are those strategies in the hospitals' best interest?