New Hampshire Public Radio: Dan Gorenstein
Nearly 3 million Americans are caught in the vise grip that is mobile home living — they own their home but rent the land it sits on, making it nearly impossible to build equity. But a nonprofit is organizing co-ops that help transform tenants into homeowners, giving many a sense of stability they'd never experienced before.
New Hampshire has eliminated funding for representation of indigent parents charged with abuse or neglect of their child — leaving many such parents to navigate the legal system on their own. Child advocates fear that ongoing budget pressures will push other states to follow suit.
The small New England state, which holds its primary on Tuesday, may not be racially diverse. (In fact, it's 93.9 percent white.) But its residents defy stereotypes with their political independence. More voters in the state are registered "undeclared" than Republican or Democrat.
New Hampshire's economy looks pretty good compared with much of the nation. But even there, confidence has been shaken, and many families' economic outlook has declined. Republican voters are trying to figure out which presidential candidate offers the best plan to soothe economic anxiety.