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Oceti Sakowin: The People of the Seven Council Fires

Oceti Sakowin: The People of the Seven Council Fires

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Oceti Sakowin: The People of the Seven Council Fires

For six hundred years, we have lived under the misconception that Columbus discovered America. What he did was stumble on a land already occupied by many people and many nations. In the center of that land were a people who call themselves Oyate: "the People." This is their story, in their words. Original music composed and performed by Lakota artist Kevin Locke. running time: 59 minutes 
(View Online / YouTube) (Credit List)

Bridging the Gap: Native American Education

Due to cultural differences and socio-economic conditions, the challenges facing Native American students are many. This video/teaching tool offers insight into the problems and possible solutions for educators of Native American young people. running time: 24:14 minutes (Watch) (Credit List)

Workshop Facilitator's Guide for Teacher In-service Presentations

The Oceti Sakowin and Bridging the Gap programs are meant to be used in in-service situations to promote strategic thinking about how to address the specific needs of Native American students as well as curriculum-level thinking and planning about when, where, and what to teach. The purpose of the guide is to offer workshop facilitators a variety of options for using the programs in teacher workshops. (Workshop Guide
Note: Some of the links are broken in the Web section of the guide.    

Amendments to Program (Suggested Changes) 
Oglala Mythology
Reading List
Common Lakota Terms Table
Song Translations
Dakota Pathways: A History

Press Materials
Basic Press Release
Promotional Script

Funded by a grant from the SD Department of Education